Configuring PeakRDL-regblock

If using the PeakRDL command line tool, some aspects of the regblock command have additional configuration options avaiable via the PeakRDL TOML file.

All regblock-specific options are defined under the [regblock] TOML heading.


Mapping of additional CPU Interface implementation classes to load. The mapping’s key indicates the cpuif’s name. The value is a string that describes the import path and cpuif class to load.

For example:

[regblock] = "my_cpuif_module:MyCPUInterfaceClass"

Choose the default style of reset signal if not explicitly specified by the SystemRDL design. If unspecified, the default reset is active-high and synchronous.

Choice of:

  • rst (default)

  • rst_n

  • arst

  • arst_n

For example:

default_reset = "arst"