Both APB3 and APB4 standards are supported.


Some IP vendors will incorrectly implement the address signalling assuming word-addresses. (that each increment of PADDR is the next word)

For this exporter, values on the interface’s PADDR input are interpreted as byte-addresses. (an APB interface with 32-bit wide data increments PADDR in steps of 4 for every word). Even though APB protocol does not allow for unaligned transfers, this is in accordance to the official AMBA specification.

Be sure to double-check the interpretation of your interconnect IP. A simple bit-shift operation can be used to correct this if necessary.


Implements the register block using an AMBA 3 APB CPU interface.

The APB3 CPU interface comes in two i/o port flavors:

SystemVerilog Interface
  • Command line: --cpuif apb3

  • Interface Definition:

  • Class: peakrdl_regblock.cpuif.apb3.APB3_Cpuif

Flattened inputs/outputs

Flattens the interface into discrete input and output ports.

  • Command line: --cpuif apb3-flat

  • Class: peakrdl_regblock.cpuif.apb3.APB3_Cpuif_flattened


Implements the register block using an AMBA 4 APB CPU interface.

The APB4 CPU interface comes in two i/o port flavors:

SystemVerilog Interface
  • Command line: --cpuif apb4

  • Interface Definition:

  • Class: peakrdl_regblock.cpuif.apb4.APB4_Cpuif

Flattened inputs/outputs

Flattens the interface into discrete input and output ports.

  • Command line: --cpuif apb4-flat

  • Class: peakrdl_regblock.cpuif.apb4.APB4_Cpuif_flattened